Amazing Facts About Crows: Nature’s Intelligence on Display

Amazing Facts About Crows: Nature’s Intelligence on Display

Crow is considered a very clever bird, a few facts of a crow make a man surprised. It has been observed that crow can make the best use of various tools. Crow also can memorize the human face, if someone kills a crow then the other crow memorizes the face of that person for revenge.

Most people do not like the voice of the crow. It is also very famous if someone sings in a bad voice then people give them the example of a crow. In this article I will tell you about the crow, I will share some amazing facts about the crow that will surprise you. If you are interested to know about crows then read this article till the end.

Fact 1:

Crow is located everywhere in the whole world except Antarctica. There are more than 40 breeds of crow in the world. Crows do not like to stay in the group. If one crow is in a hurdle then all other crows do help. Crow is also known for its cleverness. Crows can copy the action of human means to say crows can do the parody of humans. Like other birds crows do not change their nests. Crow spend their entire life in a single nest.

Fact 2:

If you are doing something wrong with crows then you have to keep in mind, the memory of the crows is so strong they can memorize things for a longer period of time. So that’s why you have not try to disturb the crows.

If I talk about the meal of crows then I just would like to say they can eat each and every thing, they eat meat, and they eat seeds. An interesting thing about crows is that they also eat the meat of dead animals, it leaves a good impact on the environment. In India people do the worship of crows. Normally, crows stay alive for 10 to 15 years but there are some breeds of crows in Australia that can stay alive for 20 to 25 years.

Fact 3:

As you all become familiar that crows always stay ready for the protection of their family but you do not know that crows also stay ready for the protection of the area where they have their nest. They attack over their enemies without any care whether the enemies are strong or not. They call one another when they feel themselves in danger. They attack over enemy after staying in a group.

Crows are such clever birds when they see their prey, before hunting they use small wooden sticks and stone to put their prey outside form cage. All crows make a single pair and spend their entire life in the same pair. Crows love to stay with their family members. They also have skills to snatch prey from the feet of eagles.

Fact 4:

An interesting fact about the crow is, they can distinguish between the meal which is about to be useless. Then they eat the meal first which is about to be useless and leave behind which can stay good for some time.

Most bird’s babies adopt separation after flying but the baby of crows stay with them even for 5 years. In this duration of 5 years they learn a lot from their parents. If we stay friendly with crows then can be found beneficial for us. Crows do not have only black color, there are also some crows which have white color.

Fact 5:

Whenever they feel danger they call upon other crows to make a group. They can utter different sounds on different occasions. They can utter different sounds, for cats, for pigeons, for humans. So they can inform their partner about the situation by uttering different sounds.  Whenever a crow is set to death then all crows look so sad and buried the dead body just like humans.

So our article was about the facts of crows. Hopefully you have got a lot of information about crows. If you have any questions related to this article you can ask in the comment section. You will be replied very fast.

Thanks a lot for your time to read this article.

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